Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hall Pass Project: Steps 1-3

Step 1 in our design process is to clearly define the problem. I think this is a good start and I like that it's labeled, but can you tell what's missing? Let me know in the comments if you notice it.

Step 2 is all about generating concepts (Brainstorming!). I like how this group is not afraid to write down some wild ideas. Always remember, sometimes those lead to the most important breakthroughs. Not sure if telepathy will work, but what does it make you think about?

Step 3 is where you develop your group's solution. Research plays a big part in this step. What does the user want/need? Can you make it better for them? Can you make it cheaper, more efficient, cooler?

 I like that this one is labeled clearly. Great work. But can you make a suggestion for what else they should include as part of step 3? Let me know in the comments.

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